Proper selection and implementation of Ruskin Air Measuring Products can help satisfy LEED prerequisites. In Ruskin’s article LEED Ventilation and Air Measuring Products, find out how air measuring products can work for you in meeting the requirements of the ANSI/ASHRAE standard 62.1 and how this code requirement correlates to LEED EQ-P1.
In addition, if these air measuring products are licensed to bear the AMCA seal, the building designer knows that he is specifying the products with proven performance.
Ruskin's IAQ Product Marketing Manager, Tim Vogel, refers to an AMCA Inmotion October 2006 article written by Michael Ivanovich, Editor-In-Chief of HPAC magazine. Stressing the importance of AMCA certification, Mr. Ivanovich states, “Specifying products that bear the AMCA Certified Ratings Seal is a credible way to ensure accurate and dependable, equipment that performs to published ratings as required by green building designers.”
Also in LEED Ventilation and Air Measuring Products, find out how Ruskin Air Measuring Products...