From monthly archives: June 2001
We are pleased to present below all posts archived in 'June 2001'. If you still can't find what you are looking for, try using the search box.
A classic look...
The [link:http://home.ruskin/wwwruskin/index/article.asp?id=96]Nordstrom[/link] headquarters, located in Seattle, Washington, renovated their building with a desire to maintain its classic facade. Ruskin designed specialty [model:elf]ELF[/model] louvers to match the facade, and resemble the venetian blinds that were later added to the windows.
...Ruskin always pays off.Built using Ruskin's [model:iaq50]IAQ50[/model] air flow measuring and control dampers, the new air curtain successfully provides consistent airflow. The system includes two 65,000 cfm centrifugal fans installed in the space below the return air walkway grate. The air returns through the grate into the basement plenum and passes through two 144 square foot filter and coil banks. It is then ducted up from the fans into the plenum space above the air curtain supply opening. The air then passes through the IAQ50 air flow measuring/control dampers and is direct-ed through an adjustable deflection type grille.
The individual IAQ50 dampers measure and control the airflow between the existing structural supports. This helps guarantee the air curtain maintains the required velocity and prevents conditioned air from escaping through the opening.
"Opening up the Four Queens to the Fremont Street Experience has been a tremendous success" says Max Proctor, Four Queens Building manager. "We ...
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Located on Hawaii's Oahu Island, Kapolei Middle School was designed to blend with the natural beauty of the Pacific islands. When the school district expanded their middle school facilities, they chose the Ruskin ELF520DD rain resistant and sight proof louvers.
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...demands a Ruskin solution."Ruskin's attention to detail resulted in a seamless installation," reports Roy Kawakami Jr. of Quality S/M & A/C Co. Ltd.
Coordinating the louver portion of the project, Ruskin's representative, Norman Wright Mechanical Equipment Corporation, Inc., worked closely with Quality S/M ensuring the quantities, sizes and types of louvers were correct.
"The various shapes and changing opening dimensions as this project developed, kept us on our toes," says Curtis Kenmostu, Norman Wright's Hawaii manager. "Ruskin's timely response and complete and accurate CAD drawings eliminated potential installation problems."
To help create an island oasis for the students and faculty, exterior [link:http://home.ruskin/wwwruskin/louvers/finishes.asp]finishes[/link] and colors were chosen to complement the architecture of the neighborhood.
"Ruskin's computer matching automated finishing system eliminated the need for field finishing the louvers," says Curtis. "All of the louvers include a 2 ...
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Ruskin announces the availability of TDF roll-formed flange connections on fire and fire/smoke damper sleeves. That's right! If you use TDF connections, Ruskin can roll-form that connection into the fire or fire/smoke damper sleeve.
That means the sleeve can be installed at the Ruskin factory and the fire or fire/smoke damper assembly can ship directly to the job site. The sleeve and TDF connection no longer need to be formed nor the fire damper installed at "the shop."
"TDF breakaway connections save labor, time and money and make Ruskin fire and fire/smoke dampers even easier to install," says David Wall, a member of the Ruskin Fire/Smoke Damper Application Group.
For more information about TDF, read our TDF installation instruction supplement. For pricing and availability, contact your local representative, or contact Ruskin directly at (816)761-7476.
To improve access into its building, the Four Queens Hotel and Casino added a 48 foot air curtain. Built using Ruakin's IAQ50 air flow measuring and control dampers, the new air curtain efficiently and economically maintains the pressure in the building.
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When it comes to hurricanes, Mother Nature usually wins. Ruskin's new hurricane louvers level the playing field with innovative technology that enables it to meet the tough standards of Miami-Dade County.
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Outside air entering a building should be properly measured and controlled in order to meet the requirements of ASHRAE 62. This type of measure and control can be done in a variety of ways.
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Measuring and Controlling Outside AirThe most common system uses a minimum outside damper air measuring station combination that controls the outside air coming into the building when the main outside damper closes. Air measuring stations have a minimum limit around 400 fpm, which is sensing approximately .01" of velocity pressure. The control at this point is 5% of the cfm being measured or 750 cfm out of 15,000 cfm. With the minimum outside control, you only measure and control the air when the main outside air damper is closed.
There is also a system that uses multiple damper air measuring stations to control the total amount of outside air introduced into the building. These systems close off dampers as the demand for outside air decreases and keeps the control signal pressure high enough to maintain good accuracy.
Another system design uses a fan damper and air measuring system to force the minimum amount of outside air into the air mixing chamber. This type of system works well, however, it requir ...
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Weather ProtectionTo ensure a louver's weather resistance, look for a design that assists in preventing water penetration. This feature uses blades with gutters and internal "downspouts" in the frame to collect and drain rain water before it can become entrained in the airflow. These are known as "drainable" louvers.
To provide the maximum protection against rain penetration, wind driven rain resistant louvers are also available. These models are designed to stop wind-blown rain penetration as well as water entrained in the airflow. They incorporate closely-spaced blades with sophisticated profiles. Although these are more expensive per sq. ft. than other louver types, their ability to prevent water penetration in severe weather is well worth the expense. Wind driven rain louvers can also be made smaller than conventional louvers due to greater water resistance.
Installation methods are just as important as the design of the louver. An important component for the weather resistance of any louver ...
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