
The Ruskin Company’s (hereinafter “Ruskin”) content, functionality and product information provided in this data file, including Ruskin design and dimensions (collectively referred to herein as “Ruskin’s Information”) are offered solely to you as a convenience and are for your information only. Ruskin’s Information is not a replacement for a professional engineering evaluation of the situation.

Your use of Ruskin’s Information and all of its attributes are on an “AS-IS, WHERE IS BASIS”, WITH ALL FAULTS AND DEFECTS. Ruskin makes no warranty, pledge, promise or otherwise that Ruskin’s Information is error or defect free, nor does it make any warranty, expressed or implied, as to the use, or the results of use, of Ruskin’s Information in terms of its accuracy, validity, completeness, applicability, or compliance with any regulatory code or governmental laws and regulations. Use of Ruskin’s Information involves risks, and the entire risk as to results and performance is the user’s responsibility and liability. Ruskin will not be liable for any claim, demand, injury, loss, expense, or liability of any kind whatsoever which in any way arises out of or is connected with the use of Ruskin’s Information, whether or not such claim, demand, loss, expense or liability results directly or indirectly from any action or omission of Ruskin or its employees and representatives resulting from the use of Ruskin’s Information.

A professional engineer, licensed in the appropriate field of engineering, should always conduct the final evaluation of the application; and that individual, not Ruskin or its employees and representatives, are responsible for the engineering design and performance of the application.

Contents of Ruskin’s Information are the property of Ruskin and are protected by copyright and intellectual property laws. By accepting or using Ruskin’s Information, the user agrees not to use Ruskin’s Information to represent the products of any manufacturers other than Ruskin, its Affiliates or subsidiaries.

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