Our Green Models

Airflow Measuring and Control

Airflow measurement and control is a key design element for LEED/Green projects in order to optimize energy, construct an IAQ management plan, and measure and deliver proper amounts of outdoor air.  Long before LEED established Energy & Atmosphere requirements, Ruskin invented our integral airflow measuring and damper product called the IAQ40. Today, our third generation is the one and only IAQ50X. This patented damper saves energy by bringing in only the amount of outside air you need. We support ASHRAE Standard 62 for minimum ventilation requirements, but if the design criteria are more or less air, the IAQ50X will deliver only the amount that meets the requirements of the building design.

LEED 2009, using ASHRAE 90.1-2007 as a baseline, stipulates that New Buildings and Schools can attain EA credits by improving building performance anywhere from 12% to 48%. Other credits for Air Measuring and Control dampers are avialbale for IEQ.   Ruskin's ValueFlo Balancing Dampers (VFBD) are Air Measuring and Commisssioning dampers and not only provide good indoor air quality, but can also assist the test and balancing technician during the commissioning phase of the building.

Ruskin Air Measuring &
Control Models

AML3, AML6, AMS, AMS050,
AMP001/2/3, AMP015, CDRAMS,

LEED 2009 Categories: 

EAc1, EAc5, IEQc1, IEQc2, IEQc3.1, IEQc3.2, IEQc4.1, IEQc4.2, IEqc5, IEQc7.1, IEQc8.1, IEQc8.2

IEQc9, IEQc10 (for Schools)

Ruskin Air Measuring/
Commissioning Models

LEED 2009 Categories:

EAp1, IEQp1, IEQc5

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